Saturday, April 5, 2008

4th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands

*Detailed information*
> The 4th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands will mobilize > high-level policy attention, topical working groups, analytical papers, and > other contributions to provide a review of progress achieved (or lack > thereof) in advancing ecosystem management and integrated coastal and ocean > management by 2010 at national and regional (transboundary) levels, and in > the 64% of the ocean beyond national jurisdiction, and on the allied goals > of reducing marine biodiversity loss by 2010 and of establishing networks of > marine protected areas by 2012 (goals adopted by the world's political > leaders at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development). These goals > are considered in the context of climate change, which, as indicated in the > 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), will > have profound effects on ecosystems and coastal populations around the > world. > [image: Vietnam] > The conference will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam. The second fastest-growing > economy in Asia, Vietnam has made significant strides in coastal and marine > management in recent years through the development of integrated coastal > management, marine protected areas, and a national ocean strategy. Vietnam > was recently chosen as the first "pilot" country in the UN's effort to unify > the work of its agencies at the national level through its "One UN" pilot > program, the result of the High-Level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence in > areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment (enhanced > UN coherence was also adopted as a goal of the world's political leaders at > the World Summit on Sustainable Development).
> The Global Conference is organized by the Global Forum on Oceans, Coasts, > and Islands, and by the Government of Vietnam, with the leadership of the > Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) - Fisheries, and with > leadership roles by a number of organizations. Key ocean-oriented > governments, nongovernmental organizations, and industry are being invited, > as well, to play a pivotal role in the organization of the Conference and > the dissemination of its outputs. The Global Forum Steering Committee, > responsible for organizing the conference, may be found at the end of this > announcement. [image: Palm Trees on Vietnam Coast]
> The Conference will focus on three major themes related to achieving > ecosystem management and integrated coastal and ocean management at national > and regional levels, and in areas beyond national jurisdiction, as follows:
> *Theme 1. Achieving Ecosystem management and integrated coastal and ocean > management by 2010*
> 1. Cross-Cutting Issues > 2. Large Marine Ecosystems > 3. Marine Biodiversity and Networks of Marine Protected Areas > 4. Linking the Management of Freshwater, Oceans, and Coasts > 5. Fisheries and Aquaculture-Sustainability and Governance > 6. Enhancing Ocean Use Access Agreements in the Exclusive Economic > Zones (EEZs) of Developing Nations > 7. Maritime Transportation
> *Theme 2. Climate, Oceans, and Security: Addressing Impacts in Vulnerable > Ecosystems and in Vulnerable Coastal Communities, especially in Small Island > Developing States (SIDS) *
> 1. Cross-Cutting Issues– i) Vulnerable Communities (Adaptation, > Environmental Refugees, Public Health); ii) Vulnerable Ecosystems (Natural > Disasters, Sea Level Rise, Ocean Acidification, Ocean Warming) > 2. Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy
> *Theme 3. Addressing the Governance of Marine Ecosystems and Uses in Areas > Beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction*
> 1. Cross-Cutting Issues– i) Overall Governance Issues; ii) > Ecosystems and Uses (Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Bioprospecting, Deep > Seabed Mining, Tourism, Maritime Transportation)
> *Overarching, Cross-cutting Issues*
> 1. Capacity Development > 2. Marine Ecosystem Productivity/Services > 3. Indicators for Progress > 4. Compliance and Enforcement > 5. Public Education/Outreach/Media
> Global Forum on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands > Government of Vietnam (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, > national focal point) > Global Environment Facility > GEF International Waters Learning Exchange and Resource Network (IWLEARN) > Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO > Gerard J. Mangone Center for Marine Policy, University of Delaware > World Ocean Network > International Coastal and Ocean Organization > Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia > (PEMSEA) > The Nippon Foundation, Japan > U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration > Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Korea > Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia > Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada

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