Wednesday, January 23, 2008

ESCR Training, May 08, Geneva

Course on "Monitoring Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" in Geneva (5-9 May 2008) for staff from small and medium organisations (in particular NGOs) with the know-how to get started in monitoring ESC rights, or in-depth knowledge to enhance their ESCR monitoring work.
The course is organized by Huridocs and the Research Unit on the Right to Food of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies ( At the end of the course, it is expected that participants will be familiar with the content of economic, social and cultural rights, be able to devise realistic strategies for monitoring ESC rights and documenting the violation and realisation of an ESC right of particular concern to them or their organization, be able to present findings effectively, and be able to devise an advocacy strategy which makes use of the international human rights mechanisms. More information at :
Best regards, Priscilla Claeys Globalisation and HR Desk
-- Priscilla Claeys(en remplacement d'Elin Wrzoncki)Responsable de programme / Mondialisation et droits humainsDesk Officer / Globalization and Human Rights FIDHInternational Federation for Human RightsFédération internationale des ligues des droits de l'Homme17, passage de la Main d'Or75011 ParisTel : + 33 1 43 55 55 03Fax : + 33 1 43 55 18