Monday, August 10, 2009

Blog Giáp Văn: Hạ tầng tư duy và phát triển đất nước

Comment on Blog Giáp Văn: Hạ tầng tư duy và phát triển đất nước
Trước hết hêt sức hoan nghênh và cảm ơn anh Giáp Văn với những đầu tư tư duy giàu sáng tạo. Nhân anh đang bài viết về khái niệm hạ tầng tư duy, tôi xin có một số đóng góp ý kiến như sau.
Theo tôi hiểu, khái niệm "hạ tầng tư duy" được anh đưa ra với mong muốn tìm kiếm một thiết chế (institution) mới tạo điều kiện cho sự phát triển của tri thức phục vụ nhu cầu phát triển kinh tế-xã hội.Tôi thấy cần phải phân biệt giữa hai khái niệm tư duy (mentality) và tri thức (knowledge, thought).Tư duy bản thân nó mang đậm tính cá nhân, bao gồm trí lực và bối cảnh văn hóa-xã hội cá nhân sinh trưởng; trong khi tri thức là tập hợp của nhiều tư duy khác nhau trong suy nghĩ có thể của một cá nhân hoặc của một nhóm hay một cộng đồng các cá nhân. Tư duy được hình thành và phát triển trong cơ sở hạ tầng của nó là bộ óc thông qua quá trình tích lũy thông tin và hình thành năng lực phân tích và tổng hợp, chế biến thông tin trong đó thông tin chủ yếu xuất phát từ môi trường cá nhân sinh sống, học tập và làm việc; và như thế tư duy luôn thuộc về và được nhận biết bởi cá nhân sở hữu nó. Đối với tri thức được hình thành từ quá trình tương tác giữa nhiều tư duy khác nhau, và chỉ được nhận biệt trong mối tương quan giữa các tư duy của các cá nhân, nhóm hoặc cộng đồng (ở đây, luật bản quyền nhấn mạnh vào yếu tố chủ sở hữu của sản phẩm tri thức, intellectual rights, chứ không phải sản phẩm tư duy như anh nói tới trong phần về yếu tố cơ chế pháp lý hỗ trợ). Trong thực tế, chúng ta vẫn thường nói: một người có tư duy toán học, tư duy phản biện, lối nghĩ của một nhà nghiên cứu; và khi người đó hoàn thành một bài viết đưa ra trước cộng đồng (có thể là khoa học hoặc xã hội) thì mọi người nhắc tới bài viết đó là một sản phẩm tri thức của người đó đóng góp vào một hệ thống tri thức nhất định có liên quan, ví dụ như học thuyết tiến hóa, trường phái cấu trúc luận. Nói cách khác, “kiểu/lối tư duy” bản thân nó chỉ là tế bào hình thành nên [hệ thống] tri thức, và để có tư cách là một thiết chế thì chúng ta phải xem xét hạ tầng tri thức thay vì hạ tầng tư duy. Điều này cũng tương tự như việc xem xét gia đình với tư cách là một thiết chế cơ bản chứ không phải là mỗi thành viên của gia đình.Theo đó, tôi trong khi đồng ý với anh rằng “Đất nước chỉ trưởng thành khi có tư duy độc lập, phong phú và sáng tạo,” tôi thiết nghĩ cái chúng ta phải có không phải là “hạ tầng tư duy” mà là “hạ tầng tri thức” “vững chắc, lành mạnh, cởi mở và thông thoáng làm nền tảng” như anh khẳng định. Và chỉ với việc thay đổi khái niệm từ hạ tầng tư duy sang hạ tầng tri thức thì sáu yếu tố cầu thành mà anh đưa ra mới trở nên thực sự hợp lý với nội hàm của khái niệm “tư duy” và “tri thức”. Và cũng giống như khái niệm cơ sở hạ tầng, tôi thấy rằng tri thức với tư cách là một hệ thống ở cả cấp độ cá nhân và cộng đồng/quốc gia được cấu thành về cơ bản từ hai cấu phần: cấu phần tạo điều kiện cho việc sáng tạo hay sản sinh tư duy, và cấu phần tạo điều kiện cho việc phân bố và áp dụng sản phẩm tri thức.
Thứ hai, anh dẫn chứng đến "hạ tầng tư duy của dân tộc," được tôi hiểu là Việt nam, mặc dù anh không nêu tên trực tiếp, nhưng anh khẳng định “chúng ta” với tư cách cá nhân anh là một người Việt Nam. Điều cần bàn đến là cái được anh gọi là hạ tầng tư duy của dân tộc ta được anh nhận định “vốn đã manh mún, nghèo nàn và xập xệ lại ngày càng trở nên manh mún, nghèo nàn và xập xệ hơn… dẫn đến việc không tạo ra được … gì đáng kể trong tương quan so sánh với thế giới bên ngoài.” Trong khi đồng ý với việc phê phán những tồn tại gắn với các kiểu tư duy trì trệ của hệ thống tri thức trong nước, cá nhân tôi cho rằng nhận định này là phiến diện và khái quát hóa một cách thiên kiến. Vì sao? Vì cho dù chỉ là tư duy hay tri thức thì việc mặc cho cả một đất nước với 54 dân tộc có phong tục tập quán và lối sống khác nhau một bộ quần áo chung như vậy hiển nhiên là không hợp lý; vì cái được goi là “thế giới bên ngoài” không được làm sáng tỏ để hiểu được thế nào là “đáng kể”; vì “thế giới” nào cũng đều có nền tảng xã hội riêng của nó mà nếu nền tảng đó bị mất đi thì thế giới đó cũng không còn tồn tại; và vì mọi sự so sánh không dựa trên những biến số tương đương và độc lập thì đều trở nên khập khiễng và bao biện. Do đó, rất cần thiết tìm kiếm và phân biệt những “khung mẫu tư duy” tốt và xấu chẳng hạn như chuyên đề “Bàn về thói hư tật xấu của người Việt” trên báo Tiền phong, nhưng hơn thế cần phân tích làm rõ những cội rễ, cơ sở hình thành của chúng – tức là các yếu tố của hạ tầng tri thức; để rồi áp dụng, tăng cường và phổ biến những điều kiện mà dựa vào đó những lối tư duy tốt sẽ được hình thành và phát huy trong khi vẫn không quên cân nhắc tính tương hợp của các chính sách đó với những đặc thù văn hóa – xã hội của từng cộng đồng và người dân.
Mới hôm qua (10.08), báo Thanh niên lại tiếp tục đăng việc một người nông dân nghèo sáng chế thành công máy bơm nước bằng sức gió ( Chỉ với thông tin hạn chế góp nhặt từ khi còn được đi học lúc bé cho tới khi đi làm công nhân hầm đèo Hải Vân, nhưng với niềm khát khao và lòng tự tin (mà riêng anh có trong khi những người xung quanh không hiểu lý do anh theo đuổi), người nông dân này đã tự mở đường và phát huy lối tư duy cho riêng mình, độc lập, sáng tạo và tự thích ứng cho sự phát triển của cá nhân và cộng đồng.
Có thể Việt Nam vẫn còn là một “đât nước vị thành niên” như anh nói, nhưng xã hội với sự phức tạp, phong phú và năng động vốn có của nó sẽ không khi nào “chỉ là tập hợp của những đứa trẻ to xác”. Và những khái niệm “nghèo hèn, lạc hâu” hay “hiện đại, tân tiến và phát triển bền vững” vẫn đang thay đổi nội hàm hàng ngày, tùy theo mục đích của những người đề xướng chúng; trong khi người dân vẫn đang tự thích ứng, học hỏi, sáng tạo trong “không gian tri thức” (knowledge space) ở khắp nơi.
Trên đây là một vài điều chia sẻ nhân dịp anh đang bài viết về hạ tầng tư duy, với tâm huyết gây dựng đất nước giàu đẹp, an bình. Rất mong cũng sẽ nhận được những chia sẻ từ anh và các độc giả khác trong môi trường tri thức hết sức thuận tiện và thân thiện này. Thân ái.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Burma’s junta criticized in Friends of Burma Festival

On 20 May, at 15:00 to 22:00, thousands of people from different organizations, collectively calling themselves as "Friends of Burma" celebrated a fund raising festival for victims of Cyclone Nargis in Burma and talked about the future of those, at the Convention Center, Chiangmai University, Chiangmai, northern Thailand.

By Hseng Khio Fah

Win Min, Chiangmai based Burmese scholar, said, "The junta ignored the cyclone warning from the neighboring countries. Right now, over 2 million people were killed and over 200,000 people were homeless. They did not care about the people, they just care for power. For instance, during the Tsunami in Indonesia, Jarkarta allowed everyone to come without visa. Had they followed the Indonesian lead, people would not have died as many."
"They don’t' have enough capacity and equipment. That's why it was so difficult for them to handle it smoothly. They thought that they could handle everything. Right now, it has become the most serious catastrophe in our history."

"In contrast, when the Thai people faced Tsunami, they had temporary shelters to stay, they received preliminary aid from everywhere. But it was so difficult for people in Burma to receive aid," said Dr. Chayan Watthanphuti.

"Some people from my village say living in a Thai jail is better than living in our home town. I am sure that people from Burma may come to Thai as migrants. There is no food to eat, no space to stay and cultivate in Burma. How can they live? They just have to seek asylum to its neighboring countries, especially Thailand," said a woman from Shan State.

"On behalf of our people in Burma, I would like to ask all Thai people and all of my friends to have understanding on our people," she concluded.

Friends of Burma Festival was organized by civil society groups in Chiangmai, Regional Center for Sustainable Development (RCSD), artist friends in Chiangmai, Non Government Organization Coordination Committee for Development in northern Thailand, Northern Youth Development Workers Network, Kabfai Community Theater Group and friends from different organizations that are working on Burma issues in Chiangmai.

Thailand Raises Money for Cyclone Victims

Thai activists, public sector groups and the Buddhist community are raising funds for cyclone survivors in Burma.

Fund raising events are taking place in cities across Thailand, particularly in border provinces, often through the cooperation of Thai and Burmese monks and local residents, which include large numbers of Burmese refugees.

A fund raising display of simple relief supplies: iodine, powered milk, canned tomatoes, band-aids, hydrogen peroxide.
In addition, about 100 tons of donated relief supplies were transported from Mae Sot District to Myawaddy, Burma, on Wednesday in 10 Thai military trucks.

On Tuesday, a group of activists, artists and public sectors “Friends of Burma” staged a music festival and public forum at the Convention Center at Chiang Mai University to raise funds and awareness about human rights abuses and the needs of Cyclone Nargis survivors.

Win Min, a Burmese scholar based in Thailand, speaking at the forum, said the Burmese government failed to warn people adequately before the disaster and lacks the will and the means to help the survivors now.

“The Burmese military has never been trained to provide relief to the people. They’ve only been trained to shoot and kill,” he said.

Citizens and students of Chiang Mai, Thailand, view a display of information and photographs taken in the Irrawaddy delta.
Only a few countries in Asia have a military capable of handling disaster relief, he said, and experienced relief workers from Western countries are essential.

Nang Sripong, a representative of the Shan community in Chiang Mai, said the disaster will cause more migrants from Burma to flee poverty and enter Thailand.

“We ask the Thai people to understand the situation of the Burmese people and to provide donations to help the victims,” she said.

Preeda Kongpan, a Thai activist who worked with tsunami victims in Thailand in 2004, said, “The best thing we can do at the moment is donate and transport material to the survivors in small quantities with the cooperation of people inside Burma.”

On Wednesday, Noppadon Pattama, the Thai foreign minister, said Thailand will prepare Don Muang airport in Bangkok as an air transport base for United Nation aid shipments to Burma through the UN World Food Organization.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friends of Burma

Friends of Burma

Music festival and public forum

For Nargis disaster relief in Burma

20 May 2008 from 3:00-10:00 PM

Convention center, Chiangmai University


1) To raise fund for victims of the Nargis cyclone in Burma through effective and reliable local organizations

2) To build understanding and awareness about human rights abuses and the Nargis cyclone situations in Burma

3) To provide encouragement to both our friends from Burma and our friends who work on Burma issues in Thailand

4) To promote collaboration between Thai and international organizations working on Burma issues and civil society groups in Chiangmai


Part I 3.30-5.30 PM

Public forum on “Nargis cyclone: situations aid and drawing lesson learn from Tsunami in Thailand”


- The Situation in Burma by Win Min, Chiangmai-based Burmese scholar

- Directions for short and long term aid: Experience from the Tsunami by Mr. Palakorn Wongkongkaew, Community Organization Development Institute (CODI)

- Situation analysis by Dr. Chayan Watthanphuti

Part II 6.00-10.00 PM

Fund raising concert “Friends of Burma”

- Painting auction by Thepsiri Suksopha and Thirayut Boonmii

- VCD “Salween Dams” by South East Asian River Network (SEARIN)

- “Song for Friends in Burma” by Thai and Burmese friends

Sunthree Wechanon, Bruke Kitawathana, Suwichanon, Sudsanan, Yenni & Took Brasserie, youth band from Burma

- Poem by Sanegdao Satthaman and Phaithoon Phomwichit

- Candle light mourning ceremony by Charm Tong

Part III Front area activities

Fund raising activities

- Photos by Saran Buunprasert, Thiraphap Lohitkun, Chirana Phitpreecha ect.

- Dolls by Udom Taephanit

- “Singing together” Street music

- Burmese food health and charity

- Fresh coffee from Luang Prabang cafe

- Donation box

Information and campaign

- Performance for Peace in Burma by Jakkrit Chimnok and Phadungsak Khotchasamrong

- Miss and Mr. Questions by youth from Burma

- Photos and information exhibitions about human rights and the Nagis cyclone in Burma


- Civil society groups in Chiangmai

- Regional Center for Sustainable Development (RCSD), Chiangmai University

- Friends from different organizations working on Burma issues in Chiangmai

- Artist friends from Burma and Thailand

- Non Government Organization Coordination Committee for Development in Northern Thailand

- Northern Young Development Workers Network

- Kabfai Community Theater Group

- South East Asia Rivers Network

- Youth Training for Development Project

- MAP Foundation

- Local Talk

- PNN News

- Community Forest Support Group

- Northern Development Foundation

- Sustainable Development Foundation

- Indigenous Peoples Network of Thailand

- Friends of Highland People

- Collaboration for Youth in the Mekong Region, Thai Volunteer Service (TVS)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

MY Dream


"My Dream"

In my dreams there's a place without war
No more guns no more pain no more hurt
It's a world full of joy without sadness
People sing people dance with all happiness

Take me to my dream
Love is everything
Where there is no war
And then children sing
Love is all around
It's the only thing
In a dream that must come true

In my dreams there's a place where it's clean
No more waste in the air and the sea
So this place will be pure and all healthy
You can live your life in heaven


But I know it's just a dream
Will it ever change this life?
Hope one day it'll turn around
Into the place that I dream about

Take me to this dream
Love is everything
Where there is no war
And the children sing
Love is all around
It's the only thing
In a dream that must come true

[Thanks to Ramina ( for these lyrics]
[Thanks to for correcting these lyrics]

[ ]

Monday, May 5, 2008

Provincial Coordinator with SAO SARY FOUNDATION_Kg. Speu based_Deadline: May 16, 2008

SAO SARY FOUNDATION (SSF) is a nonprofit, nongovernment, nonpolitical, and impartial organization working to help poorest of the poor and vulnerable families in the Cambodia's poorest communities caring for their children and avoid them from all forms of violence, exploitations and abuse through Educational Sponsorship to the children whom living with those impoverished families and support to their parents to setup and expand various small businesses in their communities.
SSF is seeking a qualified student who studies Social Science or Computer Science or Business administration and management field to learn how to work with us for the position of Provincial Coordinator.
The successful applicant should have the following minimum qualifications and experience:
Verbal English written and spoken
At least two years study in related fields
Ability to supervise team work
Happy to work with and help poorest of the poor and vulnerable people to be a better aliveness
Ability to write and edit children and their families history and profile
Passed some skills or acquire knowledge on economic assessment especially individual and community economic assessment
Ability to meet deadlines and prepare monthly progress or narrative reports
Strong organization skills
Read more:

Hundreds Die in Myanmar

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Youth ActionNet Global Fellowship Program

Young Social Entrepreneurs Invited to Apply for YouthActionNet Global
Fellowship Program
Deadline: May 15, 2008
Young People working to bring about positive societal change in their communities are invited to apply for the YouthActionNet Global Fellows> Program. Each year, twenty exceptional young social entrepreneurs are selected as YouthActionNet Global Fellows. The year-long fellowship program provides opportunities in> skill-building, networking, and advocacy, including a seven-day, all-expenses paid, capacity-building retreat in Washington, D.C.; development of a customized learning plan based on individual leadership learning needs; networking with international and national aid agencies, NGOs, and corporate partners; peer-to- peer networking throughout the year; training in communications and media outreach; public relations technical assistance; and access to global advocacy platforms and media coverage as well as access to potential funding opportunities. The program is open to all young people between the ages of 18 and 29. Applicants should be founders of existing projects/organizations or leading a project within an organization. Proficiency in English is required; applications must be submitted in English. Applicants also must be available to attend the full retreat, November 1-8, 2008, in Washington, D.C. Visit the YouthActionNet Web site for complete program informa- tion and application procedures. RFP Link:
For additional RFPs in Children and Youth, visit:

Monday, April 28, 2008

Course on Sustainable Communities

Helsinki University of Technology - UN-HABITAT - UNEP
in collaboration with
Asian Institute of Technology
Course on Sustainable Communities
Bridging the Gap between Research and Action
11th - 22nd August, 2008, BANGKOK, THAILAND
The Sustainable Communities Course gives practical examples and methods how to use city planning as a tool for sustainable development. Rapid and uncontrolled urbanization is one of the biggest development problems in the world. Sustainable urban planning can reduce the impacts on climate change by reducing the negative impact of transport, energy production and consumption as well as reduce major environmental issues facing cities such as natural disasters, floods, drought and air quality.
What to learn?
The course aims to bridge the knowledge gap between academia, local and central government in the field of sustainable urban planning. Course is structured to enhance communication, professional networking nationally and internationally and exchange of information between the participants and lecturers. The course is a combination of interactive learning techniques; keynote lectures, case study presentations, dialogue opportunities, field visits and workshops, providing improved understanding and capabilities on sustainable urban planning – know-why, know-what and know-how.
Who should apply?
Experienced individuals from academia, local and sub-national/central government and civil society with preferably experience in urban planning. Participants will preferably have a Masters or a Doctoral Degree. The course welcomes also experts in the fields of architecture, urban planning and engineering from universities and education centers from North and South.
Invited countries are: Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Mozambique, South Africa, Thailand, Cambodia, China (Yunnan province), Romania, Turkey and Finland. In addition there is a quota for participants from other countries.
The course language is English.
What for?
Local authorities will:
• Learn how to use tools, working methods and planning measures for developing sustainable community. • Improve understanding of the important input of civil society and participatory approaches. • Improve understanding of the importance of co-operating with researchers.
National authorities will:
• Improve understanding of local level issues and working methods and develop fruitful contacts nationally and internationally.
Researchers and civil society will:
• Improve understanding on how to contribute to local governance in providing professional analysis of current urban problems. • Have capabilities to present research outcomes in a user-friendly and pragmatic way.
More info:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Announcement for Visiting Scholars and Small Research Grants, Year 2008-2009

The Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD), Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University would like to inform you about the announcement for RCSD Visiting Scholar and Small Research Grants, Year 2008-2009. The fellowships aim to enhance capacity of human resources in the Mekong Region by using social sciences tools in exploring and understanding changes, relationships and complexity of issues such as transborder, resource management, ethnicity, cultural diversity, etc. in the context of regionalized development. It also aims to enhance understanding, information sharing and mutual learning regarding emerging issues of the Mekong Region, linked to a deeper and boarder conceptual understanding and analysis.

The Visiting Scholar Fellowships will be granted to academics, researchers, NGO workers from countries in the Mekong Region who would like to spend time in a dynamic multidisciplinary academic environment at RCSD for a period of three to six months. Fellows will be requested to write working papers based on their research projects and areas of their respective interests.

The Small Research Grants will provide the opportunity for interested people who are from both the academic and non-academic sectors such as a non-government organizations and media, etc to conduct research in the areas of social science and sustainable development focusing on the Mekong Region. Mid-career researchers, NGOs workers, development practitioners, and M.A and Ph.D. students who are pursuing their field research are eligible to applying for the research grants.

Both fellowships will be open to interested scholars, researchers, NGO workers, and media from countries in the Mekong Region whose citizenships were Thailand and neighboring countries in the Mekong Region namely; Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Southwest China only. RCSD will provide support which includes a monthly stipend, traveling costs, health insurance, books and supplies for the visiting scholars. As for Small Research Grants, the grant will also include monthly stipend, field research expenses and book and supplies.

Please find the announcement enclosed and an application form. It would be grateful if this information could be made available to the wider public and those who are interested applying for the fellowships. More information can be obtained by accessing our webpage: or contact us at

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Internship in Thailand

Thailand – Internships
The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) is a worldwide network of judges and lawyers united in affirming international law and rule of law principles that advance human rights. We are seeking to recruit Interns for the ICJ's Thailand Programme to be based in the Asia-Pacific Regional Office in Bangkok. The ICJ has a long history of offering young graduates or lawyers the opportunity to gain valuable professional experience in an organisation dedicated to the legal protection and promotion of human rights. The ICJ is offering three separate internships of six months each, based on a fixed-term agreement. Opportunities exist for both legal and non-legal internships. ICJ Interns become part of a team of junior support staff and their responsibilities are based on the intern's interests as well as the needs of the ICJ. All interns will be expected to undertake some administrative duties in addition to their substantive tasks. Interns are assigned a designated supervisor for the duration of their internship. Requirements Interns are generally expected to:be highly motivated and dedicated to the legal protection and promotion of human rights; aged between 22 - 28 years old at the commencement of their internship; hold a degree in law, international law, human rights law, international human rights law, or a related field;be able to work as part of a multicultural team and willing to apply themselves in a frequently pressurised environment; have spoken and written fluency in English and Thai. Conditions The intern will receive a fixed-term contract for up to 6 months;The ICJ is able to offer some financial remuneration. The intern will be responsible for all other expenses and costs incurred in undertaking the internship; and,All interns must hold valid working papers for Thailand. Applications If you are interested in one of the three internships with the ICJ's Bangkok office and fulfil the above requirements, please send a covering letter and CV/resume to "The Internship Coordinator" no later than:Internship 1: Period from 12 May to 11 November 2008 (6 months) - closing date of 19 April 2008;Internship 2: Period from 1 November to 31 March 2009 (6 months) - closing date of 30 September 2008;Internship 3: Period from 16 March to 15 September 2009 (6 months) - closing date of 31 January 2009.e-mail: or International Commission of Jurists31 Phayathai Building (Room 918)Phayathai RoadRajatheviBangkok 10400

2008 Call for proposals for the Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility

Please find below information for funding indigenous projects/activities from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Please get in touch directly with the Ms. Corpone, the Coordinator of the Fund for additional information and application.

********************The International Fund for Agricultural Development is inviting indigenous peoples' organizations and communities, and organizations that work with them, to apply for grants that fund micro projects and partnerships to promote the development of indigenous peoples and their unique cultural identity. Grants ranging from US$10,000 to US$30,000 will be awarded to applicants from IFAD's developing Member States through the Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility. You can find more information on application requirements and an application form at You can e-mail or mail your application to IFAD. The closing date for applications is 30 June 2008. IFAD will not accept applications after that date. E-mail your application to Mail your application to: Antonella Cordone Coordinator for Indigenous and Tribal Issues Policy Division International Fund for Agricultural Development Via del Serafico, 107 00142 Rome Italy A board made up primarily of indigenous members will work with IFAD staff to consider the proposals and make recommendations.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

4th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands

*Detailed information*
> The 4th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands will mobilize > high-level policy attention, topical working groups, analytical papers, and > other contributions to provide a review of progress achieved (or lack > thereof) in advancing ecosystem management and integrated coastal and ocean > management by 2010 at national and regional (transboundary) levels, and in > the 64% of the ocean beyond national jurisdiction, and on the allied goals > of reducing marine biodiversity loss by 2010 and of establishing networks of > marine protected areas by 2012 (goals adopted by the world's political > leaders at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development). These goals > are considered in the context of climate change, which, as indicated in the > 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), will > have profound effects on ecosystems and coastal populations around the > world. > [image: Vietnam] > The conference will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam. The second fastest-growing > economy in Asia, Vietnam has made significant strides in coastal and marine > management in recent years through the development of integrated coastal > management, marine protected areas, and a national ocean strategy. Vietnam > was recently chosen as the first "pilot" country in the UN's effort to unify > the work of its agencies at the national level through its "One UN" pilot > program, the result of the High-Level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence in > areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment (enhanced > UN coherence was also adopted as a goal of the world's political leaders at > the World Summit on Sustainable Development).
> The Global Conference is organized by the Global Forum on Oceans, Coasts, > and Islands, and by the Government of Vietnam, with the leadership of the > Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) - Fisheries, and with > leadership roles by a number of organizations. Key ocean-oriented > governments, nongovernmental organizations, and industry are being invited, > as well, to play a pivotal role in the organization of the Conference and > the dissemination of its outputs. The Global Forum Steering Committee, > responsible for organizing the conference, may be found at the end of this > announcement. [image: Palm Trees on Vietnam Coast]
> The Conference will focus on three major themes related to achieving > ecosystem management and integrated coastal and ocean management at national > and regional levels, and in areas beyond national jurisdiction, as follows:
> *Theme 1. Achieving Ecosystem management and integrated coastal and ocean > management by 2010*
> 1. Cross-Cutting Issues > 2. Large Marine Ecosystems > 3. Marine Biodiversity and Networks of Marine Protected Areas > 4. Linking the Management of Freshwater, Oceans, and Coasts > 5. Fisheries and Aquaculture-Sustainability and Governance > 6. Enhancing Ocean Use Access Agreements in the Exclusive Economic > Zones (EEZs) of Developing Nations > 7. Maritime Transportation
> *Theme 2. Climate, Oceans, and Security: Addressing Impacts in Vulnerable > Ecosystems and in Vulnerable Coastal Communities, especially in Small Island > Developing States (SIDS) *
> 1. Cross-Cutting Issues– i) Vulnerable Communities (Adaptation, > Environmental Refugees, Public Health); ii) Vulnerable Ecosystems (Natural > Disasters, Sea Level Rise, Ocean Acidification, Ocean Warming) > 2. Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy
> *Theme 3. Addressing the Governance of Marine Ecosystems and Uses in Areas > Beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction*
> 1. Cross-Cutting Issues– i) Overall Governance Issues; ii) > Ecosystems and Uses (Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Bioprospecting, Deep > Seabed Mining, Tourism, Maritime Transportation)
> *Overarching, Cross-cutting Issues*
> 1. Capacity Development > 2. Marine Ecosystem Productivity/Services > 3. Indicators for Progress > 4. Compliance and Enforcement > 5. Public Education/Outreach/Media
> Global Forum on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands > Government of Vietnam (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, > national focal point) > Global Environment Facility > GEF International Waters Learning Exchange and Resource Network (IWLEARN) > Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO > Gerard J. Mangone Center for Marine Policy, University of Delaware > World Ocean Network > International Coastal and Ocean Organization > Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia > (PEMSEA) > The Nippon Foundation, Japan > U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration > Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Korea > Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia > Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Youth Solidarity Fund

Dear everyone,
Part of the initiative to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance after the WCAR 2001 is the Alliance of Civilizations (AoC). Established in 2005 at the initative of the Governments of Spain and Turkey, under the auspices of the United Nations, it aims to improve understanding and cooperative relations among nations and peoples across cultures and religions and, in the process, to help counter the forces that fuel polarization and extremism. Working in partnership with governments, international and regional organizations, civil society groups, foundations, and the private sector, the Alliance is supporting a range of projects and initiatives aimed at building bridges among a diversity of cultures and communities. It is developing an online clearinghouse of best practices, materials and resources on cross-cultural dialogue and cooperation projects as well as a Rapid Response Media Mechanism to provide platforms for constructive debate and opinion during times of increased tensions around cross-cultural issues. AoC has a strong commitment on youth participation. It has set up a Youth Solidarity Fund which is detailed in this weblink:,english
Below is the text of the webpage. Please get in touch directly with the Alliance Secretariat at AoC Secretariat for more information and for application. Take note that the deadline for application to the fund is April 30, 2008. Cheers, Bernice

Conflict Transformation Studies course

Dear Friends and Colleagues in Peace work,

We are now taking applications for the 2008 - 2010 course - MA program in Applied Conflict Transformation Studies which starts in November 2008. If you would like to apply or know someone who would be suitable for this program please ask them to contact myself ( or Vong Bopha, ACTS Course Administrator ( for applications forms. Please see the brochure attached for more information. The deadline for applications is June 16, 2008.

Emma Leslie
DirectorCentre for Peace and Conflict Studies
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The 10th Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG) Camp

Fellowship Program
The 10th Asia Pacific Next Generation (APNG) Camp is planned to be held on 11 - 15 August 2008 at the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand.
Theme: “APNG - ICT vision from, by and for Next Generation”
The APNG Camp is:
Where future Internet leaders in the AP Region meet together. *
Where AP Seniors and the Next Generation learn and work together. *
Where AP perspective of the Internet is shared and discussed.
Keeping the fact in our mind that the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow, APNG and its camp activities are not only empowering the Next Generation who has the power of developmental assets and an innovative and fresh point of view on Internet Technology but also bonding and strengthening relationship among senior leaders and the youth to share and discuss over perspectives of today’s Internet in Asia Pacific.
Our very FIRST camp was held in Bangkok in year 2002 and even since its inception, we had successfully organized nine camps in the past whereas the recent one was the 9th organized in Xi’an, China in conjunction with 24th APAN Meeting. Celebrating the 10th APNG Camp is an important milestone in APNG history and achievements.
The APNG Camp Committee now cordially invites qualified applicants to apply for fellowship funding to participate in 10th APNG Camp in Thailand.
Who can participate?
The APNG Camp Fellowship Program targets personnel from developing countries who are actively involved in Internet development, in any of the following roles:
* Young network architects/developers/engineers. * Young decision makers in government, educational, non-government, commercial, non-profit sectors related to Internet development. * Young on-line activists in (and not limited to) social science, business, environment, gender equivalence, entertainment, etc.
Award Package
Fellowship for International Applicants
Fellowship package will cover camp registration fees, local accommodation and local transportations and (full/part of) the roundtrip cheapest economy airfare. Lunch, Refreshments and Dinner will be provided during camp period.
Fellowship for Local Applicants
This is a special fellowship package to encourage participation from Thai youth who are interested/involved in Internet Technology Development. Local fellowship package will cover registration fees, local accommodation (fellows from outside greater Bangkok area only) and local transportation (train-fare/bus-fare). Lunch, Refreshments and Dinner will be provided during camp period.
The final grant size is determined according to final costs and available funding, of which successful applicants will be duly informed.
The fellowship recipients will be selected based on:
Residency in a developing country 2. Full-time student of a university or college (public or private), or 3. Employed by Internet-related company and in the age less than 35 years old 4. Willingness to return to APNG Camp as a presenter or trainer in future 5. Willingness to work with APNG Working Groups 6. Willingness and capability to present your country's culture/heritage/traditions/costume 7. Presentation materials and a 2-page paper submitted for APNG Camp “Call for Presentation”. The presentations/papers are expected to align with one of the following working groups (WG): 1. Internet Technologies WG 2. Internet Culture & Blog WG 3. Internet History Museum WG 4. Live-E & DUMBO WG 5. Natural Disaster Recovery Management and e- Health
Please refer CFP page for further details on working groups.
Applicants from any part of the world will be considered, however it is expected that the majority of fellows selected will be from Asia-Pacific region.
Applications will first be reviewed by APNG Camp Committee and APNG Fellowship Selection Committee will then select those who meet the above-mentioned selection criteria in their final decision. The 10th APNG Camp Fellowship Selection Committee is led by Mr. Tommy Matsumoto and constituted by APNG Steering Committee and APNG Camp Committee.

The following deadlines will apply to the APNG 10th Camp Fellowship Program:
* Public Announcement: 2 January 2008 * Applications Deadline: * 29 March 2008 (extended) * Selection Announcement: 15 April 2008
Please kindly fill the application in English in the following format:
* Name and affiliation: * Age: * Gender: * Nationality: * Contact email address: * Your qualifications and/or experience (Preferred in point form): * Why do you want to join APNG Camp and how would you like to contribute to the APNG Camp? (Limit to 500 words) * Key terms or topic of presentation: * Description of presentation (between 250 and 500 words): o Authors should aim for presentations of 15 to 20 minutes duration, including question time. * How you would present your countries ethnicity in 10th APNG (Do something really unique to represent your ethnicity).
Any inquiries about the Fellowship, please contact .
To apply, please submit your Application with full details to the APNG Camp Committee, by email to <>. Along with the application for fellowship, the applicant must also submit a 2-page paper as well as accompanying presentation material for speech opportunity in the APNG Camp. Refer to 'Call for Presentation' for details.
For more information at

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The ADB's annual meeting

The ADB's annual meeting is coming up in a month and a half, 3-6 of May.


We are working to coordinate logistics and programming, to maximize our collective advocacy impact. Please read the following information and kindly reply to questions we put forth together with the information about people coming to the event by next Wed *March 19st *the latest.
The most crucial information we need immediately is where participating groups are in their registration process for the official conference. If you plan to attend or you plan to invite people partners from the region and haven't secured an invitation to register, this needs to be done within the next week. If you need help please let us know.
The next urgency will be receiving visas, for our colleagues coming in from around the region. Again, we can assist in this process with a letter of invitation from partner groups, but we need an indication from you.
Please fill out and return our logistics questionnaire at your earliest convenience, for improved coordination.
As always, please communicate with us about your plans and how we can assist.
SECTIONS: 1. Advocacy Opportunities / Program 2. Logistics Update 3. Questionnaire 4. Calendar 5. Upcoming Call Schedule

Core messaging around this meeting is still being discussed. This will continue to be sharpened in the coming weeks, prior to the event. The message has to come from the regional groups and try to find common themes with Spanish/ European groups. We also need to think of a rather simple media message/ hook.
*A) ADB Spaces:* Official events and unofficial events. We as usual will have a space within the premises of the annual meeting and we will also look for alternative events outside to have our own events. However during the annual meeting our press conferences should probably take place inside the meetings premises to maximize the presence of the press.
Meetings with the ADB officials: (YTD yet to be determined).
*B) Civil Society Spaces:* Outside of the official program, there will be YTD events organized by different groups. The EU coordinator is working on finding spaces for our events.
Ideas: workshops, panel discussion or debate between civil society and ADB officials on any number of topics, workshops, press conferences, mirror mobilization in dif.countries, etc.
*C) Media:* We need to form our media team and have an experienced point person in Europe / Asia.
Ideas for materials: Should we plan on producing a "daily civil society magazine? For this, we need your participation, even if you aren't going to be at the conference, contributions in the form of relevant articles would be appreciated. We will be in touch soon to solicit short articles and case studies from you to highlight our explicit concerns about the ADB and how they are operating in the region.
*Registration:* If you are not registered, but would like to be, we need to know as soon as possible! The deadline to request accreditation is March 15th but it usually takes more than one step. If you need help please let us know.
*Visas:* Once you are registered and are requesting a visa, we can assist with letters of support for the Spanish. Embassy in your country. In some cases, people are asking for letters directly from the ADB, though the later it gets, the less feasible it will be to get those. Europe based NGO allies could also send such letters.
*Arrival:* The dates of the actual ADB meeting are Saturday May 3rd through Tuesday May 6th. However people *should arrive a day or two before to join the events of May 1st, International Labour day and for a strategy meeting on Friday May 2nd and a welcoming party, the Spanish way on the evening of the 2nd.*
*Housing:* The Forty-First Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank will be held from 3 to 6 May 2008 at the Institución Ferial de Madrid (IFEMA) <>in Madrid, Spain. Ideally, the NGO representatives should stay as close together as possible, which will facilitate activity planning and coordination. It is very likely that we will be staying in a hotel in Barajas, the same town than the airport is at. Its only 2 metro stops away from the ADB venue.
The name of the Hotel is IBIS Hotel, in Avenida General, 49, 28042 Madrid Phone number is (34) 91 301 09 99 and Fax (34) 305 73 50. The person we are talking to is Dominic Simon.
*Transportation:* The best way to get to the hotel is to take the metro, the stop is Barajas Metro Station which is 8 min.walk to the hotel. Alternatively if you send us your flight information we can arrange a shuttle to pick you up for 7 Euros per person. The cheapest way to get into town and to the ADB's venue is to take the metro which will cost you around 3 Euros. Buying a 10 trip pass upon arrival is probably your best bet. Keep in mind you need a 1 E supplement to get to and from the airport.
*Questions:* If you have further logistics questions, please direct them toward Paulina Novo, EU coordinator for the Forum { } or Hemantha Withanage
Who from your organization is planning to come? (Please include organization full name, title, cell phone number, and e-mail address and passport number and country that issues it)
What dates will they be in Spain? Date of arrival and date of departure
Do you/ they need accommodation? Do you/ they have any dietary, medical special needs?
What are you planning or would like to see regarding outside civil society programs or events?
Which project/policy advocacy you want to bring to the Madrid AGM? Whom you are planning to meet?
What short written materials you want to contribute for the NGO publications? These could be overall thematic critiques or specific problematic case studies.
Do you have someone who can participate on the Media Team? Are there any of your representatives you would like to serve as a CSO spokesperson?
Note: Those who are planning to attend should write to or on or before March , 2008
*4) CALENDAR* Note: this is preliminary and will be updated in the coming weeks, especially as civil society groups organize their events. Even the calendar of official events is still being set , we will need your feed back to know what events we want to organize.
For the full list of official events, please see:
DAY UNOFFICIAL OFFICIAL Thursday May 1st Arrival of NGOs, participate on May 1st Spanish events (May be even a day before? We need to discuss) Participant registration Friday May 2nd Morning: Press briefing breakfast (YTD) Labour standards panel (?) Participant registration Friday May 2nd Daytime: NGOs arrive Evening: Spanish Happy hour / dinner- Don't miss it!
Friday, May 3rd (Day 1) Press conference Energy panel (?)- Greenpeace, Setem, others
Saturday, May 4th (Day 2) 4:30 Safeguard panel (?) 4:30 "Institutional Investors' Roundtable: Current Market Turmoil". Sunday, May 5th (Day 3) 4:30 Safeguard panel (?) 14:30 on "Economic Integration and Financial Market Stability Monday, May 6th (Day 4) -do-
Tuesday, May 7th (day 5) Morning: Closure of the events Afternoon: departure
* * *Other ideas on the table:*
- ADB members in Q&A with relevant ADB staff on audit/anticorruption, information disclosure, or the accountability mechanism - Energy round table: biofuels, extractives, hydro (Greenpeace, Setem, FoE (?), others) - Mirror events/ international day of action in Asia, demonstration at ADB venues in the region - Linking events to Alianza Continental events in Lima (Mid May) ; counter forum of Water in Zaragoza (April); - Invite people from Bank of the South/ Venezuela - Street Theater - Concert of famous leftist group/ singer in solidarity - Join the International Labour Day events (1st of May)
* * *5) CONFERENCE CALL SCHEDULED FOR March 18 or 19th. Please send your preference by Monday 17th.*
General Call: Point person: Paulina Novo, NGO Forum on ADB
Media Working Group:. Point person: Romil Hernandez,

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

OHCHR Indigenous Fellowship Programme 2009

Indigenous Fellowship Programme

The Indigenous Fellowship Programme (IFP) was launched by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the context of the first International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples (1995/2004).
The aim of the programme is to give indigenous peoples the opportunity to gain knowledge on the UN system and mechanisms dealing with human rights in general and indigenous issues in particular so they can assist their organizations and communities in protecting and promoting the rights of their people. In its first decade, more than 100 indigenous men and women from 46 countries undertook the programme. They provided human rights training to many more in their communities.
The IFP is accessible in four different languages: English, French, Spanish and Russian. The programme -in its four linguistic versions- is held annually. Each language version has developed slightly differently and generally runs from 2 to 4 months. The selected candidates are entitled to a return flight ticket, living expenses and health insurance.
Who can apply?
1. The candidate must be indigenous (non-indigenous persons will not be taken into consideration, even if they have close links with indigenous communities and/or organizations).
2. Age should not be a limitation to participation in the programme, although preference should be given to candidates in the age-bracket 25-35 years.
3. Formal education should not be a limitation to participation in the IFP given the socio-economic barriers confronted by many indigenous peoples that limit access to formal educational institutions.
4. Candidates should agree to train other indigenous persons after the return to their respective communities/organizations.
5. The candidate should be proposed and his/her candidacy supported by his/her indigenous organization and/or community. It is desirable that the sponsoring organization has a firm constituency or membership and that it is representative.
6. The candidate should have a good working knowledge of the language, in which the programme is imparted.
Selection process
The selection of fellows reflects a gender and a regional balance. The general human rights situation in the respective regions/countries is also taken into consideration.
A pre-selection of 15 (first five preferences and 10 alternates) candidates is made by previous indigenous fellows. The final selection of successful candidates is undertaken by an advisory group composed of indigenous persons.
In view of the large number of applications, we regret to inform that only successful candidates will be contacted.
How to apply?
Fellowship applications will only be taken into consideration if they are fully completed. Both parts I and II must be signed and faxed or sent by regular post at the following address:
Indigenous Peoples and Minorities UnitOffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsUNOG-OHCHRCH-1211 Geneva 10SwitzerlandTelefax number: (+41 22) 928 90 66
E-mailed applications will not be taken into consideration, unless both parts I and II are signed and scanned.
Application forms need to be accompanied by an official recommendation letter from the nominating indigenous organization or community.
Any questions pertaining to the Indigenous Fellowship Programme can be sent to the address mentioned above or E-mailed to:

Tibet - support the Dalai Lama

I just signed an urgent petition calling on the Chinese government to respect human rights in Tibet and engage in meaningful dialogue with the Dalai Lama. This is really important, and I thought you might want to take action:

After nearly 50 years of Chinese rule, the Tibetans are sending out a global cry for change. But violence is spreading across Tibet and neighbouring regions, and the Chinese regime is right now considering a choice between increasing brutality or dialogue, that could determine the future of Tibet and China. We can affect this historic choice. China does care about its international reputation. Its economy is totally dependent on "Made in China" exports that we all buy, and it is keen to make the Olympics in Beijing this summer a celebration of a new China that is a respected world power. President Hu needs to hear that 'Brand China' and the Olympics can succeed only if he makes the right choice. But it will take an avalanche of global people power to get his attention. Click below to join me and sign a petition to President Hu calling for restraint in Tibet and dialogue with the Dalai Lama -- and tell absolutely everyone you can right away. The petition is organized by Avaaz, and they are urgently aiming to reach 1 million signatures to deliver directly to Chinese officials:

Thank you so much for your help!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Press release by Karenni Development Research Group

Press release by Karenni Development Research Group on March 14, 2008, International Day of Action for Rivers Land-mine injuries and forced labour precede Chinese investment in new Karenni hydropower project Eight villagers have been injured by landmines when forced by the Burma Army to clear land around the two Lawpita hydropower plants near Loikaw, as Chinese investors start construction of a third power plant in the area. The injuries occurred on December 11, 2007, when the commander of Burma Army Light Infantry Battalion 261 ordered hundreds of villagers from Noe Goe village tract to work in the land-mine infested area. According to research by KDRG, over 18,000 land mines have been laid by the Burma Army around the Lawpita power plants since they were constructed with Japanese bilateral aid decades ago. Human rights abuses such as these have stalled further Japanese aid to build the long-planned No. 3 Lawpita hydropower plant. However, residents of Loikaw have been told that Chinese investors are now preparing to build the new plant. In January 2008 local authorities began confiscating land in Daw Mu Kalah village near Loikaw and forcing villagers to clear the land and lay foundations for the construction of the plant, which will have an installed capacity of 84 megawatts. The No 1 and 2 Lawpita power stations have been producing 168 megawatts of electricity, mainly transmitted to Rangoon , Mandalay and other major cities in central Burma . Most of Karenni State receives no electricity at all, while the Karenni people continue to bear the impacts of the project. Land-mine fatalities have occurred repeatedly since the construction of the plants. On May 29, 2007, a 14-year-old girl from Lay Maing, Dee Mow Soe township died after stepping on a land mine while tending her cows near one of the power pylons. "The Lawpita hydropower projects have turned our farms into minefields. On this International Day of Action for Rivers, we urge China to consider the human costs of investing in such projects," said Moe Moe Aung of KDRG. Chinese and Thai companies are also planning five dams along the Salween River in Burma , which will permanently alter Southeast Asia 's longest undammed river and impact indigenous communities, including the Karenni.. Contact:Moe Moe AungPhone: 0899571867Email: For further information on the negative impacts of the Lawpita hydropower plants see the report "Dammed by Burma 's Generals" by KDRG on

Mekong ICT camp photo

Monday, March 10, 2008

Call for Participation - COP 9, Bonn Germany

***Call for Participation* *** Please circulate widely.

The CBD Alliance supports "Southern" (from 'developing' countries and
countries with economies in transition) civil society representatives,
and Indigenous and local community participation in Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD) and CBD-related meetings. We have
approximately six spaces (airfare, visa costs, per diem, hotel ) to
support participation in the following meetings:

1. Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
(COP-MOP 4) 12-16 May 2008, Bonn Germany
Please see http://www.cbd. int/doc/? meeting=MOP- 04 for full agenda
and documents. Issues to be discussed include (but not limited to):
Handling, transport, packaging and identification of living modified
organisms (Article 18)
Risk assessment and risk management (Articles 15 and 16).
Liability and redress (Article 27).
Subsidiary bodies (Article 30).
Monitoring and reporting (Article 33).
Assessment and review (Article 35).
Socio-economic considerations (paragraph 2, Article 26).
Public awareness and participation (paragraph 1, Article 23).
Options for implementation of the notification requirement under Article 8.

2. Ninth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on
Biological Diversity (COP 9) 19 - 30 May 2008, Bonn Germany.

Please see http://www.cbd. int/doc/? meeting=COP- 09 for full agenda
and all documents. Issues to be discussed include (but not limited

Agricultural biodiversity.
Invasive alien species.
Forest biodiversity.
Incentive measures.
Ecosystem approach.
Progress in the implementation of the Strategic Plan and progress
towards the 2010 target.
Financial resources and the financial mechanism.
Access and benefit-sharing.
Article 8(j) and related provisions.
Biodiversity and climate change.
Biodiversity of dry and sub-humid lands.
Protected areas.
Biodiversity of inland waters.
Marine and coastal biodiversity.
Island biodiversity.
Global Taxonomy Initiative.
Liability and redress.
Guidance to the financial mechanism.

Please note: We have found that participants with some experience with
the issues are most effective at fora such as the Conference of the
Parties Please do not apply for this funding unless you have direct
experience with the issues to be discussed at these meetings (at
either local, national, or international levels). We also find that
those most successful participants have a plan for how they will
participate in these meetings: what issues they will press forward,
and how. Please familiarize yourself with the agenda and documents on
the secretariat websites noted above prior to applying.

If you are interested, please fill out the application below, also
available on www.cbdalliance. org. DO NOT SEND CVs/Resumes - FILL OUT

Applications received after this date will not be considered.

PLEASE EMAIL APPLICATIONS TO Swati Shresth (swatishresth@
Please put "CBD Alliance Application" in the subject of your email.

Application Process:

The Advisory Board to the CBD Alliance is responsible for selecting
participants. This advisory board is regionally balanced civil society
and also has specific representation for Indigenous Peoples, Women,
and youth. The board has been openly nominated and supported through
the biodiv_civsoc listserve. Upon receiving applications, regional
advisory board members make recommendations to the full advisory
board, who is responsible for the final decision making. Please
contact Swati Shresth at swatishresth@ for more information
on the advisory board and the process we use to select participants.
Or see www.cbdalliance. org for more information including the current
advisory board.

You will receive notification of the results by 31 March 2008. If
selected you are required to either accept or decline the support
within 3 days of receiving notice. Following this, selected
participants must follow the deadlines communicated by the coordinator
in order to facilitate prompt travel arrangements. Failure to comply
with these deadlines will result in a reallocation of funding to other

Funding Disbursement:

For those selected, the Alliance prefers to reimburse participants
(individuals/ organizations) after the event upon receiving the
original receipts, signed invoices and the final report (see
application form for more information on the report). This is for
accounting purposes. However, exceptions can be made for candidates
requiring pre-financing (for airfare only, hotel and perdiems will be
paid at the meeting, all other expenses are reimbursed following
receipt of all receipts and reports).

About the CBD Alliance

The CBD Alliance is a loose network of activists, NGOs, local
community representatives and Indigenous Peoples representatives
advocating for improved and informed participation in Convention on
Biological Diversity processes - particularly the participation of
Southern NGOs, Indigenous Peoples and Community Based Organizations.
We currently moderate an email listserve of over 250 activists around
the CBD. See www.cbdalliance. org for more information. The Alliance
is currently hosted by Kalpavriksh, an environmental NGO Based in
Pune, India. See http://www.kalpavri for more information.

Application Form

Please fill out the following application form. Please do not send CVs
or resumes.

I. Contact and Affiliation Details
Organizational Affiliation:

II. Meetings you would like to attend
Please note clearly the meetings you would like to attend (MOP 4 and/or COP 9).

III. Information about yourself
Please answer the following questions. Please be brief (less than 400
words in total). Successful candidates are generally those who have
clear, specific plans of what they hope to achieve at the meetings
beyond general 'learning'.

What is your experience with biodiversity issues (local, national,
regional, international) , in particular, we would like to know what
experience you have with issues being discussed at these meetings.
Please be specific. If you are applying for both meetings please
reference your experience with issues on both agendas.

Explain briefly why you want to participate in these meetings, and
what you hope to gain from participating. What issues do you hope to
bring forward, particularly in relation to the issues under
discussion? What groups will you work with, and how will you make the
views of your organization or community known?

Please outline any experience you have within international processes.

IV Participation in civil society strategy sessions and training session
All selected participants new to the CBD process, or relatively new,
are required to attend the inaugural Civil Society capacity building
day on 16 May 2008. This means arriving in Bonn on 15 May. In
addition, the Alliance, along with its partners, will be hosting
sessions on the weekend prior to COP 9 to allow for information
sharing, further capacity building and joint strategy building. All of
our supported participants are expected to participate in these
sessions. Please indicate if you will be able to attend these
sessions, which requires arriving one or two days before the official
secretariat meetings. Please answer Yes or No.

V Languages spoken
While we endeavor to make this process open, we struggle with
interpretation costs. Please list all languages you are able to work
in, so we can best anticipate and plan for your needs, if you should
be selected.

Each funded participant is required to write a brief, but analytical
report from the meeting outlining what happened, what was achieved,
and their participation. We also strongly encourage selected
applicants to contribute an article to the production of the ECO - the
civil society newsletter (please see www.cbdalliance. org). It is
expected that each selected participant will actively and fully
participate in the proceedings.
aipp@aippfoundation .org.
Mekong Alumni will collaborate to promote harmonious relationships
between Humans and the Environment.
Dear all,

Please circulate this call among Wikimedia communities, researchersand other people that may be interested! This call is also online at Wikimania 2008: Call for Participation =============Wikimania is an annual global event devoted to Wikimedia projectsaround the globe (including Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikinews,Wiktionary, Wikiversity, Wikiquote, Wikispecies, and Wikimedia Commons)and for its editors and users to gather, meet each other, exchange ideas,and report on research and projects. It is a community event, which isalso open to the public and to researchers. This year's conference willbe held from July 17-19, 2008 in Alexandria, Egypt at the new Library ofAlexandria (Bibliotheca Alexandrina).For more information, please visit the Wikimania 2008 Home page athttp://wikimania2008.wikimedia.orgWe are accepting submissions for presentations, workshops, panels, posters,open spaces, and artistic artifacts. Please carefully follow the submissionguidelines below. Submissions can be sent via the following link: Important dates ======================* 1 February – 16 March : Submission* 17 March – 30 April : Review, feedback and notification of acceptance* 17 – 19 July 2007 : Wikimania================== Conference Tracks ===================Submissions should address one or more of the following themes:Wikimedia Communities :Interesting projects and particularities within the communities; policycreation within individual projects; conflict resolution and communitydynamics; reputation and identity; multi-lingualism, languages andcultures; social studies. We explicitly invite you to discuss your localWikimedia project's community.Free Knowledge :Open access to information; ways to gather and distribute free knowledge,usage of the Wikimedia projects in education, journalism, research; waysto improve content quality and usability; copyright laws and other legalareas that interfere with Wikimedia projects. Free Content in theMiddle-East/Africa.Technical infrastructure :Issues related to MediaWiki development and extensions; Wikimedia'stechnical infrastructure; new ideas for development (including casestudies from other wikis or similar projects).Scientific track :Papers about massively collaborative work, open and free content creation,community dynamics, the social or economic aspects of the Wikimediaprojects, and other topics related to Wikimedia projects. Paperssubmitted to the scientific track will be peer reviewed by a reviewingcommittee regarding their novelty, rigour, and estimated impact, andaccepted or rejected based on these reviews. The papers will be publishedin proceedings afterwards, and depending on the number and the qualityof the submissions, a journal special issue may be pursued. Scientifictrack papers must be in English, and must not exceed 7,500 words(or 15 pages LNCS).Your topic must be related either to the Wikimedia projects and theircommunities, or to the creation of free content in general.=================== Types of Submissions ==================We are seeking submissions for* presentations (10–30 minute talks with discussion afterwards)* workshops (60–120 minute session with more involvement of the audience)* panels (group of 2-5 speakers to discuss on a specific subject)* posters (printed presentations or visual displays that can stand on their own)* artistic artifacts (plays, competitions, comedy, visualizations, or other representations of some aspect of the projects)In addition there will the possibility to give lightning talks (5minute short presentations). These will be organized on the Wikimania2008 wiki without need to submit via the submission system.For more information about Submission Guidelines, please see: Submissions ========================Once you are sure you have included all of the required information,please send your submission before the respective deadline through oursubmission system at See also ==* About the venue:* Brainstorming page for program ideas:* Editable list of attendees: LiouLinkedIn: tcliou@ {} MSN: Skype: tcliou--

Who demolish Buddhist Temple ????

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Training on Environment, Ecological Agriculture, and Sustainable Development

Training on Environment, Ecological Agriculture, and Sustainable Development
Place: Phnom Penh,
Starting from: March 15, 2008- April 06, 2008
JVC is a non-governmental organization, which has worked for SARD (Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development) since 1994. In 1999, JVC started environment education project with primary school children in Kandal province. And in 2006, JVC started a new project, promoting ecological agriculture through natural resource management in Siem Reap province. Training Objective. To raise awareness of youth to become a change maker who understands and takes action to protect environment and to practice ecological agriculture, and to understand the key concepts of sustainable development.. To make youth become familiar with the current situation of development both locally and globally. To discuss, introduce the connection between the theory and real practice on those topics. Training content1. Concept of environment -Definition of environment -Type of environment and its relation2. Concept of ecological agriculture -Concept of ecology -Concept of biodiversity3. Concept of sustainable development -Definition of sustainable/ development -Some alternative solutions and concrete examples4. Research methodsTraining methodologyThe training methods of this course will be a combination of: VCD showing; case study; group discussion and presentation; and lecturing. The trainees shall be encouraged to share their own ideas. Materials and costs.This training course will be free of charge.JVC will bear the cost of related documents and field trip as well as research after training LanguageKhmer and EnglishTarget group­University students and NGO workers who:- are willing to learn, share ideas and take action;- have time to join the training;- love remote areas and are able to stay there.Trainer1. Mr. YAMASAKI Masaru (Program Coordinator)2. Mr. SAKAMOTO Takanori (CLEAN project) 3. Mr. SAY Bora (EE Coordinator)How to applyJVC offers an equal chance to every student.Interested candidates are advice to fill in the application form (available free of charge) and send to JVC Cambodia office at your convenient time during working hours (7:30-17:00, Monday-Friday) before the deadline.CertificateSuccessful candidates are awarded with a certificate offered by JVC.Training Schedule-The training will take 3 weeks. 2 days per week, conducted every Saturday and Sunday (7:30am-11:30am and 14:00pm-17:00pm), started from March 15, 2008.Application deadline.March 10, 2008 .15 participants will be selected(Only those who are selected will be informed for interviewing)Contact PersonMr. SAY BoraAdd : JVC Cambodia office #66A, St. 222Sangkat Boeung Raing, Khan Daun Penh, P.O.Box 526, Phnom Penh, CambodiaH/P : 011 202 644Tel : 023 220 481/ FAX: 023-220-482 Email : do not accept application forms through electronic mail. -Those who previously applied for this training are encouraged to apply again.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Region East Asia
Location Hanoi
Division International Department
Position TypeOpen Ended
Job Family Programme Closing date for applications (23:59 GMT)9 March 2008
Job Profile

To manage the development and implementation of Oxfam GB's projects within Oxfam Aim 4 "Right to be Heard" programme. Taking the lead in one or more programmatic theme for Oxfam GB in Vietnam.
· Work pattern is a mixture of reactive and project work. · Required to make sound judgements regularly within agreed processes using a good understanding of the team and the facilities of the team.· Communication largely with internal staff, (including internationally) also with some external contacts / target audiences to support operational work.· Analysis and internal communication of the locally relevant context to inform appropriate planning· Some analysis and communication of the wider context· Supervises the work of contractors, partners and junior staff for delivery of the programme· Problem solving activities related to a defined area, such as a limited geographical area or limited programme sectional area· Some negotiation and representation with local authorities· Networking with peers to develop a shared analysis of local issues, contacts and key players
Key Responsibilities
Contribute to the Oxfam GB programme planning and development and specifically for Oxfam's Right to be Heard programme. . Responsible for projects management and implementation within Right to be Heard programme Responsible for project's resource planning and management including human resource, assets and financial accountability.Ensure timely internal and external reporting (financial and narrative) .Ensure implementation of Oxfam GB's operational policies, procedures and guidelines, especially gender equity, in all aspects of Oxfam's work. Act as Oxfam's representative at provincial and national level as required. Take lead in one or more of the following programmatic themes e.g. ethnic minorities, gender equity, accountability, governance and civil society etc.
Skills and Competence
¨ Vietnamese national. ¨ University degree, preferably social science, related field or/and management¨ Proven (at least 5 years) experience in programme/project strategic planning and management. Working experience with NGOs or international development organisation is preferable. ¨ Proven experience in programming work, especially experience in application of participatory approaches ¨ Sound experience in resource management e.g. people, finances, assets¨ Good understanding and practical experience in application to support equity issues (Gender and diversity)¨ Good understanding of Governance, Grass-roots Democracy and Civil Society issues in Vietnam¨ Good understanding in Socio-economic Development Plan system and planning reform in Vietnam¨ Familiar with advocacy work at local and national level.¨ Strong written and spoken English and Vietnamese¨ Good computer skills (word processing and spreadsheet programs) ¨ Able to travel to programme/project areas on a regular basis Gross Annual Salary Full Range: US$ 8,200 - US$ 15,250

Click here to apply for this jobEmail these job details to a friend

Robert S. McNamara (RSM) Fellowships

Robert S. McNamara (RSM) Fellowships
The Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program provides support to young researchers working in academic and research institutions from eligible countries preparing a doctoral thesis. Research grants cover residence costs for a 5 to 10 month period in a renowned university or research center. Fellows are expected to advance their research work mainly by using the facilities and resources provided by the host Robert S. McNamara (RSM) Fellowshipsinstitution and by interacting with peers.

Who Can Apply?

Only lecturers and researchers from eligible countries working on their doctoral thesis can apply for the fellowship. Candidates should be under 45 years, and have completed any course work or exams required for their doctoral program.

What Does the Program Support?

The purpose of the grant is to help fellows advance their doctoral research work through a residency period of five to ten months in a host institution in a country other than their home country or country of residence.During the research period at the host institution, the fellows are expected to have access to essential resources such as reference books and research publications, databases, and software; attend seminars and eventually courses; and to benefit by interacting with peers.

Host InstitutionCandidates should be accepted or invited by a host institution which would designate an academic advisor to assist the fellow during his research period. Host institutions should also commit to provide the fellow with basic amenities such as office space and access to a computer, and to facilitate his/her research activities.

Fellowships AwardEligible candidates are evaluated by external reviewers based on three criteria: academic performance, teaching and research experience, and relevance of the proposed research program. The top candidates are submitted to the Selection Committee, which includes World Bank senior experts and Donors representatives, for final selection. In addition to the merit criteria, the Selection Committee takes into account other factors such as availability of budget, geographical diversity and gender balance.

GrantsCandidates are requested to submit a budget for their fellowship covering the costs related to their research program: travel; insurance and living expenses; fees for courses and participation to seminars; and a books and software allowance.The grant amount to be awarded to each fellow will be decided by the Selection Committee. The maximum amount of the grant is US$ 25,000.

Fellow's CommitmentFellows are required to issue two reports, a mid-term report during the fellowship period and a final report containing the results of the research. The results of the McNamara fellows research work may be considered for publication by the World Bank.Fellows are expected to return to their home countries and resume their academic or research position upon completion of the fellowship. They are also expected to mention the McNamara fellowship award in any publication related to their doctoral research work, including their thesis, and to provide the Program with a copy of their thesis upon graduation.
Read more:

Friday, February 15, 2008

Mekong ICT Camp press release

The Mekong Sub-Region ICT CampPattaya, Thailand - Feb 25 to Feb 29, 2008
The Mekong Sub-Region ICT Camp is a five-day capacity developmentworkshop on information and communications technology for media groupsand non-governmental organisations in the Mekong sub-region. Thisevent will invite over 70 participants and facilitators mainly fromMyammer, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand, to bring about aneffective use of information and communications technology and awidespread of ICT network in order to strengthen alternative media andnon-profits in the region as independent information source.
Participants represent media and NGOs working in the Mekong sub-regioncountries with a history of working with service and advocacy in NGOs,educational organisations, NGO resource centres, community centres,health information organisations, Media agencies and Alternative mediaorganisations.
The focus of the agenda will be on the following four areas:1. Information Management,2. E-Advocacy,3. Computer Network for development, and4. Promotion of the Use of Open Source Software among the Media Organizations and NGOs.
The workshop will take place from February 25th to 29th at ThammasartUniversity Learning Resort, Pattaya, Chonburi province, Thailand.Pattaya city is a famous beach resort located 147 km southeast ofBangkok and faces the Thai Gulf.
This event is organized by the Thai Fund Foundation and collaborative with a group of dedicated organisations: TRN Institute, Thai Volunteer Service, and Volunteer Spirit Network.
The Mekong ICT Camp is realized thanks to the kindest support from:the Open Society Institute, Southeast Asian Center for e-Media(SEACeM), the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Internews, CAT Telecom,Bank of Thailand, Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau.
So far, two ICT camps entitled by AsiaSource have been held for NGOworkers in Asia. The first one took place at Bangalore in India in2005, and the second at Sukabhumi in Indonesia. The events were organized by Tactical Technology Collective. More than 400 participants from all over Asia attended the workshops. These events have played a key role to increase the number of ICT specialists in Asian NGO sector that can transfer their knowledge to others worldwide.
For more information please visit website: or contact to e-mail:

Thursday, February 14, 2008

LeadershipProgram- Korea

To whom it may concern.
This is to request you to recommend CSOs (Civil Society Organization) and GOs of your region including your organization to participate our training program. UNEP Eco-Peace Leadership Center supports CSOs/GOs to find the solution for Environmental problems that they faced in their own country. Last year we recruited and trained 23 representatives from 12 countries in Asia-Pacific region and this is the second program. We focus on 7 different topics with the collaboration of UNEP. Seven topics are ‘Peace & Cooperation’, ‘Urban Ecology Environment’, ‘Water & Dam’, ‘Desertification & Forest’, ‘Local Community Revival’, ‘Environment & Culture’ and ‘Renewable Energy’.
All candidates should send ‘Application and Study Plan’ which is based on the real field problems or the current issues that you want to solve in your hometown related on 7 topics mentioned above. We plan to have an Orientation on coming May in Korea for a week which will be flexible. We will support $2,000 for completion of our program, in addition to meals, accommodation and air ticket for your travel to Korea. All documents stated below should be submitted by the end of March, 2008.

Application, Study and Budget Plan Form
Recommendation letters
Resume or CV
English proficiency
Please find the attached files for further information.If you have any questions, please contact the address and number in attached file.
Sincerely, Yeong-Wan SeoSecretary General of UNEP Eco-Peace Leadership Center

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Training Opportunity

Exciting Opportunity for Civil Society Capacity Enhancement

First Social Accountability School in Cambodia

The World Bank in Cambodia, through its Program to Enhance Capacity in Social Accountability (PECSA) will conduct the first Social Accountability School in Cambodia from March 24 through April 12, 2008.

Two Leading International Institutes from the Asia region will bring together their practical experience in social accountability and good governance to share with Cambodian practitioners throughout a three week training course. The curriculum of the first Social Accountability School will cover general issues of CSO contribution to accountability and good governance in the first week; weeks 2 and 3 will concentrate on these issues as they relate to Land and Natural Resource Management

This is the first of a series of Social Accountability Schools that will be organized by PECSA program throughout the next two years. This training program will lead to awarding a recognized Diploma and possibly a Master Degree in Social Accountability and Governance to the participants who wish to pursue such a degree. Participants may choose to participate for one week, two weeks or three weeks training program depending on their interest and availability.


Participants from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs): (NGOs, CBOs, citizens' associations, trade unions, media professionals) and relevant Governmental Institutions from local, provincial and national level are eligible for this training program.

Application and selection process will be announced by mid- February 2008. If you are interested and intend to apply for this course, please save the date and mark it in your calendar.

For more information about our program please visit our websites: (for Khmer) or (for English) and or contact: Mr. Kol Preap, at:

PECSA is a World Bank-funded program in Cambodia which has been endorsed by the Ministry of Interior. PECSA strives to enhance the capacity of CSOs through training them in the use of social accountability approaches and tools; adapting global accountability practices to the Cambodian context; providing grants to develop and pilot social accountability practices and supporting enhanced information-sharing and networking among social accountability practitioners.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Request for Accreditation of ADB annual Meeting

Request for Accreditation
ADB Annual Meeting is not open to the public. All participants must be invited to attend the Annual Meeting. To facilitate accreditation and registration, the participants are divided into different categories:
Member Country Participants
NGOs and civil society
Financial Institutions and Banks
Consulting and Contractor Firms
ADB Former Employees
Other Guests

Member Country Participants

ADB member countries send a delegation of government officials to attend the meeting. The participants of this group are decided by each member government, not ADB. If you have any questions about delegations, please contact the respective office of the ADB Governor in your country.

This category of participants covers accredited intergovernmental organizations (such as World Bank and UN agencies) and government officials from countries planning to apply for ADB membership. If you work for either group and are interested in participating, please contact the head of your organization, or the ministry concerned. View to see the list of accredited organizations and countries [PDF].
NGOs and civil society

ADB welcomes the participation of civil society organizations (CSOs) including international NGOs, labor unions, foundations, professional associations, and other nonprofit organizations. CSOs attending for the first time are required to go through an accreditation process that is coordinated by ADB's NGO and Civil Society Center (NGOC). Learn more about CSO accreditation.
Members of the press with valid credentials are invited to attend open sessions of the meeting. To apply for accreditation, please complete the online form. Register online

Financial Institutions and Banks

The accredited financial institutions and banks have existing relationship with ADB. You can click here to review the list of accredited institutions. If you work in any of the listed institutions, please contact the head office to receive a copy of the invitation. If your company wishes to establish a relationship with ADB, please complete this form.
Consulting and Contractor Firms

If you are a registered consulting or contractor company with an existing contract with ADB, or have been short-listed for the last 2 years, please complete this form.
ADB Former Employees

Members of the Association of Former Employees of ADB are invited to attend the meeting. Please contact Mr. M. Ikramullah Khan, Executive Secretary, AFE-ADB at tel. +63 2 6325196/5556, or e-mail:
Other Guests

If you do not belong to any of the categories listed above, please complete this form.

For inquiries,

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Unacceptable Weakening of ADB Environmental and Social standards
Concerns regarding Proposed Continuation of Public Consultations Based on Deeply Flawed and Incomplete Documentation NESSIM N. J. AHMADDirector, Environment and Social Safeguards,Asian Development Bank
February ** 2008
Dear Nessim,
It is with a high level of concern and disappointment that we write this letter to you regarding the on-going public consultations on the current draft (October 2007) of the Safeguard Policy Statement and associated documents. Those of us who have engaged in the Asian Development Bank’s Safeguard Policy Update process during the past couple of years have done so on a good faith basis, taking at face value the commitment by ADB management that the new Safeguard Policy Statement would not entail the weakening of ADB safeguards. Unfortunately, the draft SPS presented by your office for public comment in October actively promotes a substantial weakening of most of the existing ADB safeguard protections. We are writing to inform you that the draft issued in October 2007 is unacceptable and is not suitable as a basis for public consultation. Further, the process of consultations as currently designed and undertaken is inappropriate and exclusive. We urge the ADB to withdraw this draft and re-write it - prior to continued public consultation - to comply with existing ADB environmental and social protection measures and international good practices. As such, we call for a postponement of the consultation process until such time as a draft which does not involve the weakening of existing standards is presented to the public. There are three points in particular about the consultation process that we would like to raise which have steadily increased our concern since our last collective communication with you in November 2007. Initially, the draft was released (without any translations) an unacceptably short time before the first consultations, and this lack of an adequate time period for comments made it impossible for our diverse coalition of groups to conduct detailed analysis before the consultations. Secondly, experience of our colleagues at the consultations held to date has failed to provide reassurance that critiques provided are being taken on board and changes will be made. Thirdly, despite our detailed requests provided to you to improve the consultation process in various ways, the agenda of the consultations remains strongly weighted towards presentations by the ADB and does not represent an effective opportunity for affected communities to engage. We would also like to remind you that during the NGO panel discussion on the SPS process held during the ADB’s Annual General Meeting in Kyoto in May 2007, you made public assurances, recorded on videotape, that the ADB is committed to ensuring that there would be no weakening of the existing safeguard policies as a result of the SPS process. Japanese Ministry of Finance officials made the same guarantee to Japanese NGOs. Our organizations and colleagues have spent a great deal of time analysing the lengthy SPS document and we have articulated a large number of collective concerns regarding the content and context of the current draft policy. We are clear that the content of the draft is regressive and damaging, reflecting a substantial weakening of existing ADB environmental and social policies in violation of the Bank’s stated commitment to upholding – at a minimum – existing standards. Enclosed with this letter are detailed critiques that our organizations and colleagues have put together, to seek an effective response from you on these criticisms and to clearly articulate our difficulties with the current draft. Due to the criticisms within these documents and our criticisms of the consultation process, we believe that both the draft and the process of consultation are so compromised that we do not see any value in the continuation of the process of public consultation on this version of the SPS. A good number of our organizations have strongly advocated with you and worked on details of the consultation process since the SPU process began in 2005. However our interest in the consultations was based on your assertion and the Bank’s guarantee that the consultation draft would contain improved safeguard provisions. Given our interest in ensuring the ADB adopts effective and world standard safeguards and realizing after our analysis that the October 2007 draft not only reneges on previously made commitments but also contains other substantial flaws, we have decided not to participate in the current consultations. We suggest that the ADB rewrite the October 2007 consultation draft of the Safeguard Policy Statement and release it for public review with sufficient lead time so as to enable project affected communities, civil society organisations and governments to engage in a substantive discussion on progressive and effective safeguard provisions. We will not participate any longer in the process of consultation until such a document exists as we do not view these consultations as effective or meaningful. We therefore also urge that the consultations be halted until such time as an acceptable draft document that meets at least current ADB safeguard standards and best international practices at peer institutions, is circulated. We have provided our SPS critiques and copies of this letter to our respective governments and to the President and Board of the ADB for action. We look forward to hearing your response to this letter.
Regards, Signed CC:Ursula Schafer-Preuss, Vice-President, Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development Liqun Jin, Vice-President, Operations 1C. Lawrence Greenwood, Jr., Vice President, Operations 2.Bindu Lohani, Vice President, Finance and Administration. Encl: Summary Critique of SPS October 2007 Consultation DraftDetailed Analyses of the Environmental, Involuntary Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples Safeguards
Asim Nawaz Khan -Umeedenao Citizen Community Board, Pakistan
Sergei Vosin - EcoCentre of Tajikistan, Tajikistan
Dilena Pathragoda - Centre for Environmental Justice, Sri Lanka
Suranjan Kodithuwakku – Sri Lanka Green Movement, Sri Lanka
Anna Dreyzina - Oil Workers Rights Protection Organization Public Union Azerbaijan Ulrike Bey - Asienhaus, Germany
Hemantha Withanage - NGO Forum on ADB, Philippines
Rustam Murzakhanov- NGO Environmental Law Center "Armon" (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan)
Souparna Lahiri -National Forum of Forest People & Forest Workers(NFFPFW)
Titi Soentoro- Nadi, IndonesiaGururaja Budhya- Urban Research Centre, Mangalore, India Dang Ngoc Quang- Rural Development Services Centre, Vietnam
Zakir Kibria -Bangla Praxis, Bangladesh
Mangaraj Panda - Orissa Marine, Resource Conservation Consortium(OMRCC), India
Gevorg Arakelyan - Association "For Sustainable Human Development, Armania
Mekong Alumni Network - Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Souparna Lahiri - On behalf of ACT (Affected Citizens of Teesta), Sikkim, India
Yuki Tanabe -Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES), Japan